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Bible in English

(Voice : Shashikant Tripathi Ji)

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01. Introduction Of Lectionary
02. Synopsis Of Lectionary
03. The Season Of Advent-First Sanday -Year A
04. The First Latter Of St Poul To The Thessalonians
05. Holly Gospel According To St Luke
06. The Lord Is My Light And My Help
07. Repent For The Kngdom Of Heaven Is At Hand
08. The Lord Worked For Us Indeed We Were Glad
09. Here Is Our God Coming With Power
10. Holly Gospel According To St Mathew
11. My Soul Shall Exult In My God
12. The Baptism Of John Whens Was It
13. For The Lord Has Called You Like A Wife Forsaken
14. Jesus Will Be Born From From Marry
15. My Lord Should Come To Me
16. In His Days Justice Shall Flourish
17. Let The Lord Enter He Is The King Glory
18. He Who Is Mighty Has Done Great Things For Me
19. The Lord Takes Delight In You
20. Today A Saviour Is Born To You
21. Feast Of The Holy Family
22. The Child Grew Filled With Wisdom
23. A Light For Revelation To The Gentiles
24. God Sent Forth His Son Born Of Woman
25. No One Who Abides In God Sins
26. The Glory Of The Lord Will Seen Upon You
27. All Nations Shall Fall Prostrate Before You O Lord
28. O Praise The Lord Jerusalem Alleluia
29. Come To Me That Your Soul May Live
30. Rent Your Hearts And Not Your Garments
31. A Humbled Contrite Heart O God You Will Not Spurn
32. However Great The Number Of Sins Committed Grace Was Even Greater
33. Be With Me O Lord In My Distress
34. The Lord Rescues The Just In All Their Distress
35. Have I Any Pleasure In The Death Of The Wicked
36. The Sacrifice Of Our Patriarch Abraham
37. We Have Sinned And Done Wrong
38. Cursed Is The Man Who Trusts In Man
39. He Will Cast All Our Sins Into The Depths Of The Sea
40. A Spring Of Water Welling Up To Eternal Life
41. I Am Has Sent Me To You
42. A Spring Of Water Welling Up To Eternal Life
43. With A Contrite Heart And A Humble Spirit May We Be Accepted
44. He Who Is Not With Me Is Againest Me
45. David Is Anointed King Of Isreal
46. O Let My Tongue Cleave To My Mouth If I Remember You Not
47. The Lord Is My Light And My Help
48. Water Was Issuing From Below Threshold Of The Temple
49. Reoent Of This Evil Against Thy People
50. Lord God I Teke Refuge In You
51. I Will Make A New Covenent
52. Alternative Readings
53. Now I Am To Die Yet I Have Done None Of These Things
54. Every One Who Is Bitten When He Sees The Serpent Shall Live
55. The Lord Remembers His Covenent For Ever
56. Holly Week Passion Sunday
57. The Humbled Himself Therefore God Has Highly Exalted Him
58. The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Chirst According To St Mathew
59. The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Chirst According To St Mark
60. The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Chirst According To St Luke
61. The Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Chirst According To St Luke
62. Let Her Alone Let Her Keep The Ointment
63. The Lord Has Anointed Me To Bring Good Tiding
64. He Was Wounded For Our Transgression
65. Passion Of Our Lord Jesus Chirst According To St John
66. God Saw Everything
67. The People Of Isreal Walked On Dry Ground Through The Sea
68. With Joy You Will Draw Water From The Wells Of Salvation
69. Jesus Of Nazarath Who Was Crucified Has Risen
70. Preserve Me Lord I Take Refuge In You
71. He Was Known To Them In The Breaking Of The Bread
72. Jesus Came And Took The Bread And Gave It To Them
73. The Company Of Believers Were Of One Heart And Soul
74. One Heart And One Soul
75. They Left Rejoicing That Were Counted Worthy
76. Preserve Me Lord I Take Refuge In You
77. We Are Witnesses To These Things And So Is The Holy Spirit
78. Lord Jesus Receive My Spirit
79. Saul Is A Chosen Instrument Of Mine
80. The Lord Is My Shephered There Is Nothing I Shall Want
81. The Lamb Will Be Their Shepherd
82. I And The Father Are One
83. I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life
84. I Am The Way And The Truth And The Life
85. A New Commandment I Give To You Love One Another
86. I Will Thank You Lord Among The Peoples
87. The Lord Has Shown His Salvation To The Nations
88. The Spirit Of Truth Will Bear Witness To Me
89. The Lord Has Shown His Salvation To The Nations
90. God Goes Up With Shouts Of Joy
91. The Lord Goes Up With Trumpet Blast
92. One Must Become With Us A Witness
93. Be Of God Cheer I Have Overcome The World
94. Preserve Me God I Take Refuge In You
95. Pentecost Sunday Vigil Mass
96. They Were All Filled With The Holy Spirit
97. Repent And Believe In The Gospel
98. Speak Lord For Your Servant Hears
99. The Leprosy Left Him And He Was Made Clean
100. Here Is The Man Of Whom I Spoke To You
101. Your Bodies Are Members Of Christ
102. I Will Show God S Salvation To The Upright
103. You Are A Priest For Ever
104. Soul My Father Seeks To Kill You
105. Have Mercy On Me God Have Mercy
106. Alternative Acclamations
107. The Form Of This World Is Passing Away
108. Sing A New Song To The Lord
109. By A Single Offering Christ Has Perfected For All Time
110. Bible in English
111. Bible in English
112. Bible in English
113. Bible in English
114. Bible in English

**** Completed ****


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